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calendar day

calendar day
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • kalenderdag
  • a day reckoned from midnight to midnight






  1. The first day of the first month in the Chinese lunar calendar is Spring Festival, the most important festival for the people of China.
  2. Person of the future: "The calendar of this Unix machine that the ancients built only goes up to January 19, 2038. As such, I am convinced that this marks the day of the Earth's destruction."
  3. Arriving at the end of each year (that is, the last day of the lunar calendar) wasn't just a new day taking over from the previous one, but also a new year taking over from the previous one, and this was called 'first exchange'.
  4. ‘day’ means a calendar day, unless otherwise specified,
  5. i ith calendar day of the maintenance period t.
  6. ith calendar day of the maintenance period t.
  7. The first approach is the ‘calendar day approach’ where the accruals are recorded every calendar day independently of whether a day is a weekend day, a bank holiday or a business day.
  8. A period cannot include hours of more than a single calendar day.
  9. mass of CO2 emitted or released per calendar day due to the leakage.
  10. ‘quarterly revaluation date’ means the date of the last calendar day of a quarter;
  11. ‘average outstanding electronic money’ means the average total amount of financial liabilities related to electronic money in issue at the end of each calendar day over the preceding six calendar months, calculated on the first calendar day of each calendar month and applied for that calendar month.
  12. the 24-hour period between 00:00 hours of a calendar day and 24:00 hours of the same calendar day or any part of such a period, or
  13. Interest shall be calculated from the calendar day following the deadline referred to in Article 78(3)(b) and specified in the debit note up to the calendar day on which the debt is repaid in full.’
  14. Interest shall be calculated from the calendar day following the due date specified in the debit note up to the calendar day on which the debt is repaid in full.
  15. MR i marginal interest rate for the most recent main refinancing operation settled on or before calendar day i.